Edit Summit Seniors Club Senior Center Name: Address: City: County: State: -Select- Alabama Alaska Alberta Arizona Arkansas British Columbia California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Manitoba Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Brunswick New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York Newfoundland North Carolina North Dakota Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ohio Oklahoma Ontario Oregon Pennsylvania Prince Edward Island Quebec Rhode Island Saskatchewan South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Yukon Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Guam Zip Code: Phone: Contact Name: Contact Email: Details: Residents of Summit, ages 55+ are eligible to register with the Summit Seniors Club for $10 per year. Non-residents are eligible to register for a fee of $50 per year. The Summit Seniors Club entitles members to select programs with the basic membership including full access to the drop in card room and lounge Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM until close. Seniors will also have access to the Game Room Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM until 3:00 PM. The membership also includes weekly Tai Chi and biweekly Yoga classes. Seniors may register for the Open Gym Senior Membership for an additional $25.00. This membership entitles seniors to all of the actvities offered after 3:00 PM in the Gyms listed on the Open Gym page including pickleball, badminton, zumba, basketball, yoga and more. Website: Membership Information: Residents of Summit, ages 55+ are eligible to register with the Summit Seniors Club for $10 per year. Non-residents are eligible to register for a fee of $50 per year. Services: Activities Age Requirements: Operation Time: