Edit Over 60 Club Senior Center Name: Address: City: County: State: -Select- Alabama Alaska Alberta Arizona Arkansas British Columbia California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Manitoba Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Brunswick New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York Newfoundland North Carolina North Dakota Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ohio Oklahoma Ontario Oregon Pennsylvania Prince Edward Island Quebec Rhode Island Saskatchewan South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Yukon Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Guam Zip Code: Phone: Contact Name: Contact Email: Details: Stamford is blessed to have several opportunities for seniors to remain active well into their older years. The oldest one is Over 60 Club Inc. In a narrative written by Louise Cowles and Alice Begent about the club many years ago they said, “Once upon a time, November 2, 1947 to be exact, the members of Stamford Home for the Aged (which became Senior Services of Stamford) had a dream. They, having a deep concern for people not so young, felt there was a need for a meeting place for lonely people who had not much else to do but walk around town.” Even 66 years ago they recognized how important friends and companionship were to healthy aging and how sad it is that this need is getting pushed aside today. Senior Services of Stamford (now Silver Source) continued to support the club in several locations as it expanded over the years. It thrived with activities Monday to Friday and served lunch two days a week. In 2010 they joined the Catholic Charities Senior Nutrition Program ensuring a hot, nutritionally balanced meal and only a small donation asked if possible. No fees were ever asked for the club’s activities because the policy was all should be welcome no matter what they could afford. Unfortunately in 2012, Senior Services of Stamford decided they could no longer support the club since they were going to focus on other areas of senior assistance. Over 60 Club Inc. filed for its own 501c3 Non-Profit tax status, found a place to operate in St John’s Episcopal Church and began activities there in September 2012. A year later another well-established Senior Center, Senior Neighborhood Support Program, under the leadership of the Rev. Fred Ogletree, also lost its backing due to reassessment of services and merged with Over 60 Club Inc. at St John’s. The daily program is now called Over 60 Senior Neighborhood and with this addition expanded, with Catholic Charities, to a 5 day lunch program. The Club provides activities, programs, companionship and just plain fun from 10 — 3 each day and encourages anyone over 60 from Stamford and the surrounding areas to attend including those with disabilities and early dementia or Alzheimer’s. Those who need assistance are encouraged to come with their aides and there are currently about a dozen members of our exclusive Over 90 group. Some members will attend five days and others only a few times a month but the benefits received from a nutritious meal, exercise, health screenings, benefit assessments, socialization and much more go far beyond just daily activities. We all receive tons of junk mail every year but to some seniors it can get very confusing to sort out what is important so the simple task of looking at it with them relieves their anxiety. Making a phone call seems like an easy thing to do but when all of a sudden a machine is telling you to push this or that button it gets confusing fast, especially if your hearing isn’t what is once was so we help with that too. We watch for signs that more help might be needed and make referrals to appropriate agencies. We check on them if they don’t attend when expected and keep in touch with their families. In other words we try to help with whatever the need is at the time. Sincere thanks are extended to those that helped the Club become independent and continue to help support our vital program. St. John’s Episcopal Church for providing them a welcoming home at an affordable rent: Catholic Charities Senior Nutrition Program for assistance in establishing a five-day nutrition site with their program; Southwestern Area Agency on Aging; Kathleen Ernst Charitable Trust; St. John’s Foundation; Singer Foundation; First County Bank Foundation; Cassena Care at Stamford; Constellation Health Services and so many others that have generously donated to our organization. Over 60 Club Inc. would like to invite all of the Greater Stamford Community to visit or call the Over 60 Senior Neighborhood program and learn more about what a vibrant and valuable asset it is. New members are always welcome. There are volunteer opportunities, especially for crafters and bilingual translators. All donations are completely tax deductible and very much appreciated. Website: Membership Information: Services: Lunch, Activities, Programs Age Requirements: Operation Time: