Edit GCSCC - Upper Valley Senior Center Senior Center Name: Address: City: County: State: -Select- Alabama Alaska Alberta Arizona Arkansas British Columbia California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Manitoba Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Brunswick New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York Newfoundland North Carolina North Dakota Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ohio Oklahoma Ontario Oregon Pennsylvania Prince Edward Island Quebec Rhode Island Saskatchewan South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Yukon Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Guam Zip Code: Phone: Contact Name: Contact Email: Details: Lebanon became the first Grafton County location to establish a senior center following the incorporation of the Grafton County Senior Citizens Council in 1972. Since its beginning in 1973, the Upper Valley Senior Center (UVSC) has enjoyed terrific community support including hundreds of dedicated volunteers who keep the place humming. As a full-service center, UVSC plays a vital role in the Upper Valley and is a hub of activity for seniors looking for a place to gather for daily lunches or any of the other special programming opportunities such as book club, guest speakers, bus trips, entertainment, exercise classes, computer lab, health clinics, and much more. Website: Membership Information: Services: Congregate Meals, Home Delivered Meals, Transportation, Chair Exercise, Sip n’ Socialize, Bingo, Foot Clinic, Board Games, Senior Art @ AVA, Cribbage Age Requirements: Operation Time: