Edit Douglass Senior Center Senior Center Name: Address: City: County: State: -Select- Alabama Alaska Alberta Arizona Arkansas British Columbia California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Manitoba Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Brunswick New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York Newfoundland North Carolina North Dakota Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ohio Oklahoma Ontario Oregon Pennsylvania Prince Edward Island Quebec Rhode Island Saskatchewan South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Yukon Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Guam Zip Code: Phone: Contact Name: Contact Email: Details: The Douglass Senior Center is located at 124 W. Fourth Street, Box 362, Douglass, KS 67039. The building was completed in November, 1997. The Douglass Senior Center would like to express thanks to all those who have been involved with the Senior Center over the years. We have several volunteers every weekday that help serve lunch and deliver meals to several homes in the community. The Douglass community can be proud as we have one of the finest facilities in the state, thanks to many hardworking folks in this community. It takes the involvement of the entire community for the Center to function. We certainly want to make everyone aware of this and encourage you to become involved. Anyone fifty years or older can become and membership dues are just $1.00 per year. There are a number of scheduled activities available that might be of interest and that encourage enjoying the fellowship of other community members. Also, if you have any ideas of other activities we might do, we would appreciate you sharing them with us. We would like you to know that we have full time cooks and serve or deliver home cooked noon meals every weekday for a donation of only $4.00. For those that qualify, there is a program that can help with that cost. We do ask that you call in by, or before, 9:00 a.m. to let the cooks know you will be joining us for lunch or need lunch delivered. This helps them to know the right amount of food to prepare for the day. We have menus available each month. Additionally, we serve a breakfast on the third Saturday of every month from 7:00-9:30 a.m. that’s open to the public for a donation of $5.00. Website: Membership Information: Membership: $1.00 per year Services: Bingo; Exercise; Quilting; Cards; Meals Age Requirements: Operation Time: