Kingsport Senior Center - Senior Center in Kingsport TN

General Information

Kingsport Senior Center
1200 E. Center Street, Kingsport, TN 37660
(423) 392-8400
Contact Name
Shirley Buchanan
Email address
The Kingsport Senior Center is a community resource dedicated to enriching quality of life for area seniors.
Membership Information
To be a member of the Kingsport Senior Center, one must be 50 years old or the spouse of a member, fill out an application in person or online (If online, bring ID), visit the center and pay the fee. Our membership year correlates with City of Kingsport's fiscal year, which is from July 1 - June 30. Seniors who get Silver Sneakers through their Insurance are eligible for their Membership to be FREE, so be sure to check with your insurance company. Membership fees are due July 1; however, they cannot be pro-rated. Cost: $25.00/year Kingsport City, $45.00/year Sullivan County, $70.00/year All Other Counties
Lap Swimming; Open Woodshop; Silver Sneakers Classic; Pickleball; Core Conditioning; High/ Low Impact Aerobics; Total Body Workout; Basic Tai-Chi; Strength Training; Stretch Class; Restorative Yoga; Line Dance; Table Tennis; Volleyball; Horseshoes; Basketball; Boom Move & Mind Fitness; Yoga and Pilates; Basket Weaving; Silver Sneakers Yoga; Sing Along; Clay 101; Exercise for Everyone; Beginner Dulcimer; Active Flow Yoga; Bowling; Shuffleboard; Open Card Play; Badminton; Croquet; Stretch Class; Restorative Yoga; Bingo; Woodcarving; Bunco; Scrabble; Active Flow Yoga; Cornhole; High/ Low Impact Aerobics; Total Body Workout; Tai Chi; Stretch & Flex
Age requirements
50+ years
Operation Time
Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm; Sat: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
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