Hood County Senior Center - Senior Center in Granbury TX

General Information

Hood County Senior Center
501 E Moore St, Granbury, TX 76048
(817) 573-5533
Contact Name
Jeanette Scott
Email address
Hood County Committee on Aging, d/b/a Meals on Wheels Hood County (MOWHC), d/b/a Hood County Senior Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization serving Hood County citizens 60 years of age and older. Donations to our organization are tax deductible, Federal Tax Id # 75-1630812. From humble beginnings at the Shanley House in 1977, we have grown to serve over 6,000 meals each month to more than 300 Hood County senior citizens each day. Providing more than just a hot meal, Meals on Wheels volunteers deliver care, compassion and love to home bound seniors stuggling with hunger every day. In addition, the Hood County Senior Center is open daily for lunch service and Trasnportation assistance is available with limited restrictions and prior reservation.
Membership Information
Meals on Wheels; Transportation; Congregate meals; Line Dancing; Bingo; Bridge; Guest speakers; Lending library; Pool table; Live music; Birthday celebration; Holiday parties; Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar Screenings
Age requirements
60+ years
Operation Time
Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by John Dunstan on 2020-03-22 22:20:22
Comment: I have been going to the senior center almost every day for over two years and it has made a big difference in my life. The staff and functions offered at the center are the best.
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