My Father's House Assisted Living Home - Assisted Living in Anchorage AK

General Information

My Father's House Assisted Living Home
6951 Shane Place, Anchorage, AK 99507
(907) 334-3391
Contact Name
Doddie Belino Davison
Email address
My Father's House Assisted Living Home is an elderly care facility located in 6951 Shane Place Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Our neighborhood is quiet and surrounded by greenery which adds to the tranquility of our home. We create a warm home setting for seniors who wish to have a place where they can have as much independence as possible, while at the same time, continue to receive the love and assistance they require every day. At My Father's House, residents have their choice of activities to add to their schedule or to keep a relaxed way of life. Our employees are trained to adapt to the individual lifestyles and personalities of our residents.
Membership Information
Three nutritious meals daily; Snacks available throughout the day; Reminders with medication and appointments; Assistance with bathing and hygiene care; Weekly housekeeping and daily trash removal; Weekly personal laundry (except dry cleaning); Referral to counseling and community resources; Recreational, educational and hobby programs; Utilities (excluding cable and phone); State of Alaska license for 5 Residents since 2006; Staffing - 3 Shifts with 2 caregivers every shift; Our Staffs are 2 CNA and 4 Experienced Caregivers. (Fulltime and Part time Staff)
Age requirements
Operation Time
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