The Legacy Assisted Living Tuscaloosa - Assisted Living in Tuscaloosa AL

General Information

The Legacy Assisted Living Tuscaloosa
755 55th Place East, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405
(205) 469-1828
Contact Name
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If you or a loved one are concerned about your ability to live independently consider The Legacy Assisted Living in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Free from the stress of maintaining a home or the worries of caring for you or a loved one. Come enjoy new friends, new experiences, and new days at The Legacy Assisted Living, a state licensed community of comfortable, safe, assisted living. We provide services needed to continue life’s journey with peace of mind. Our goal is to provide a holistic, caring family environment while insuring safety, security, and peace of mind while nurturing independence and well-being. The Legacy Assisted Living has a caring staff available 24 hours a day, providing assistance with your every need. Our goal is to encourage personal freedom while remaining safe and active during your “golden years” in a supportive home atmosphere. The Legacy Assisted Living offers a wide scope of all inclusive services to allow you and your family to maintain your independence with peace of mind knowing there is a helping hand 24 hours a day. The Legacy Assisted Living is locally owned and operated with elite medical partners onsite and off campus. Our vision is a small community environment focused on caring, family values, and supporting individual’s independence and well-being.
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