Frontier Assisted Living - Aurora - Assisted Living in Fairbanks AK

General Information

Frontier Assisted Living - Aurora
1015 Evergreen, Fairbanks, AK 99709
(907) 328-2200
Contact Name
Email address
Assisted Living residents can relax and unwind, knowing there is plenty to do right outside their doors. Private residences are available as well as shared rooms with increased companionship opportunities. Enjoy our onsite amenities or take advantage of regular transportation to nearby points of interest like historic Pioneer Park, shopping, movies, and cultural events. Join us for dinner with a creative, nutritious meal made from scratch. However our residents choose to spend their time, our round-the-clock staff is available to meet all of their needs.
Membership Information
Ambulatory assistance; Housekeeping (vacuuming, dusting, bathroom, kitchen); Personal laundry and linens make/change bed; Doctors appointment transportation; Technology to track care and medications; Meal planning & preparation - according to taste/diet; Weekly vitals monitoring; On-Site 24 hour-a-day care and support; Bathing & dressing; Hair and grooming; Skin care; Continence care
Age requirements
Operation Time
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