Addington Place Of Des Moines - Assisted Living in Des Moines IA

General Information

Addington Place of Des Moines
5815 SE 27th Street, Des Moines, IA 50320
(515) 256-9143
Contact Name
Addington Place of Des Moines
Email address
Addington Place of Des Moines is a 55 community with a focus on senior living in Des Moines, IA. Our retirement community has various living options for senior living including assisted living, Memory Care, and respite care. Our retirement community comprises a wide range of amenities, senior-friendly lifestyle programs, and modern conveniences. Our senior living professionals are trained to provide personal care and to monitor the needs of all seniors living here. At Addington Place of Des Moines, seniors can socialize and enjoy the fresh air and outdoor spaces without worry.
Membership Information
Assisted Living, Memory Care, Respite Care
Age requirements
Operation Time
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